
In addition to the bi-annual, internal Centre meetings, the Olsen CFP team organized two international symposia addressing various topical ‘Fetal Programming’ issues. Both symposia took place in Novo Nordic Foundation’s Auditorium in Copenhagen, with a little more than 100 participants each time.

The first symposium was held on 13 March 2013 and titled “Fetal and childhood programming: Preventing type 2 diabetes in the next generations”. It was co-organized with the FP7 EU ‘EarlyNutrition’ Consortium, in which Olsen was partner.
See program for the symposium and abstracts

The 2nd Copenhagen Symposium on Fetal Programming was held on 14 November 2014 and titled “Developmental Programming of Metabolism: Recent Advances, Current Controversies, and Future Challenges”. It was co-organized with the Danish Diabetes Academy.
See program for the symposium

Olsen was the Guest Editor for a regular theme issue of AOGS on Fetal Programming research. Most authors in the theme issue were speakers at the 1st Fetal Programming symposium, and the theme issue came out shortly before the 2nd symposium.
The theme issue.